The First Kiss
This is where most dudes blow it. Never, ever wait until you get to the car or you have driven her home! Kissing on doorsteps is an urban legend that only works in the movies. Instead, try the surprise attack. Once you leave the bar just grab em and kiss em.
Simple, but effective. Try brushing your lips against the corner of her mouth and then pull her close and slowly kiss her. Do not, I repeat, Do not grab any sexy love ass yet. If the surprise attack works you should break it off first.
I recommend no more than 30 seconds. Then as you walk her back to her car she’s feeling pretty good about it and you can have another makeout session or two along the way.
When you get to her car pull her waist close to you and give her a long passionate kiss. You stop it first, say good night and walk away. Don’t tell a sexy love woman you had a good time, and definitely don’t tell her you’ll call her.
Hust walk away. It will keep her wondering until you call …women like to wonder….it’s romantic and titillating for them!
Simple, but effective. Try brushing your lips against the corner of her mouth and then pull her close and slowly kiss her. Do not, I repeat, Do not grab any sexy love ass yet. If the surprise attack works you should break it off first.
I recommend no more than 30 seconds. Then as you walk her back to her car she’s feeling pretty good about it and you can have another makeout session or two along the way.
When you get to her car pull her waist close to you and give her a long passionate kiss. You stop it first, say good night and walk away. Don’t tell a sexy love woman you had a good time, and definitely don’t tell her you’ll call her.
Hust walk away. It will keep her wondering until you call …women like to wonder….it’s romantic and titillating for them!