The Second Date
This time, you can pick her up. I prefer to try to get a little sexy love at the door to break the ice. At least give her a hug and kiss on the neck here. She’ll think you’re happy to see her…they always let you, so go for it.
You can do whatever you want for the evening. I like to take her to a bar then club dancing: sexy girls love to dance. You could also take her to a bar and then dinner if you want. I would avoid movies at all cost, they tend to put you both to sleep. You could also cook dinner for her at your house.
In any case, your goal is to get her back to your place, or hers if she wants. Don’t wait until you are ready to go home; instead, ask her early. Say “I have a really nice bottle of wine at my place…why don’t we go over there and have a glass of wine, and then I can bring you home in an hour or so.”
Once she is on your turf, she’ll be putty in your hands. An advanced technique guaranteed to speed up your time to the promise land is what I call the saving myself line. It’s quite simple. When you’re making out on the couch or wherever, try telling her (with a strait face) that you never sleep with sexy love women unless you’ve been dating them for at least a month.
Then shut up! This will process through her mind for a while and then she’ll become the aggressor. Sexy women love a challenge. Four out of five times she’ll jump your bones that night.